motor city art night
Boy did you miss out if you weren't at Motor City last night! I was expecting photography from Maria but let's just say you got a whole lot more! This is what you saw as you entered the bar.

At first I was disappointed - a booth that you had to be invited in...and I was hoping that I wouldn't miss what the show was!
Well, finally I got invited in. There was an instruction sheet on the wall and a bondage head harness. Step one: strap invited person's head into straps.
Step 2: put head phones on invited one. (the sounds were of a moaning woman)
Step 3: pull back screen - now remember the person doing the work is standing directly behind the invited one and there isn't a whole bunch of room. And this is what the invited sees! A good interactive show...and a great way to meet someone new at the bar!
I realize my name was featured as the artist but the project was produced by a collaborative I am in with artist Tim Gaewsky called RejectEffect. Our website is which will be up and running next week. Tim also has a web site that you can check out. Thanks again for all who participated in the project.
That was an interesting experience. I only wish that there was a warning that participants were being videotaped. I guess we're all under surveillance though, arent we?
while I too dislike being videotaped, the cameras were rather hard to miss ... not sure much more warning was needed.
I'm sorry, but what am I looking at here? A woman biting a balloon? A sausage? A section of large intestine?
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