gm style
I didn't make it to Automation last night. I had every good intention of going, but let's just say better things kept coming up! I attended the big gm style event: jimmy kimmel hosted the event starting on the red carpet and introduced the runway event where each celeb pranced down the runway with a shiny car in tow behind them. After scarfing down fancy catered foods like shrimp, mini racks of lamb, and burgers, I took my seat to watch the over-done-up celebs take center stage.

jimmy's new mustached look...not sure if it is working!

jay-z opened the event introducing his new "jay-z blue" color on a denali.

carmen electra shook her stuff down the runway. I realized celebs are much smaller in person...and wear a lot of make-up at events like this.

cheryl hines from curb your enthusiasm

jennifer hudson from dream girls

nick cannon

cari dee (america's next top model)

even 90's hunk christian slater

the new concept Holden

new 09 convertible camaro

kwame was doing the night up in style too and had his entourage

OK, so best part: I ended up backstage where all the action was happening. I talked with one of the back up musicans with john legend and some of his family friends. I also chatted it up with cari dee's (america's next top model winner) publicist and scored a great pic with cari dee! The guy in the tan shirt (above) is james blunt (you know the song "you're beautiful") who was there supporting his model girlfriend.

jimmy's new mustached look...not sure if it is working!

jay-z opened the event introducing his new "jay-z blue" color on a denali.

carmen electra shook her stuff down the runway. I realized celebs are much smaller in person...and wear a lot of make-up at events like this.

cheryl hines from curb your enthusiasm

jennifer hudson from dream girls

nick cannon

cari dee (america's next top model)

even 90's hunk christian slater

the new concept Holden

new 09 convertible camaro

kwame was doing the night up in style too and had his entourage

OK, so best part: I ended up backstage where all the action was happening. I talked with one of the back up musicans with john legend and some of his family friends. I also chatted it up with cari dee's (america's next top model winner) publicist and scored a great pic with cari dee! The guy in the tan shirt (above) is james blunt (you know the song "you're beautiful") who was there supporting his model girlfriend.

And on the couch just a few feet in front of me...jay-z and nick lachey with vanessa minnillo drinking beer and watching the football game on an older tv with fuzzy reception.
From there I went to the ren cen's coach insignia where all the stars went to party on the 72nd floor overlooking the city. As for last night, it was a great night...even if there was no art involved. In the land of famous people, I did see in action how important connections are and how it is as easy as striking up a simple conversation to get a small break. I am not saying that I would want to live my life going to events like this but the more people you meet the more likely it is to have a door open for you.
From there I went to the ren cen's coach insignia where all the stars went to party on the 72nd floor overlooking the city. As for last night, it was a great night...even if there was no art involved. In the land of famous people, I did see in action how important connections are and how it is as easy as striking up a simple conversation to get a small break. I am not saying that I would want to live my life going to events like this but the more people you meet the more likely it is to have a door open for you.
I'm impressed that you knew who any of those celebrities were. I guess being an artist allows for a lot of time to watch TV. By the way, what's a Holdon? Or did you mean Holden?
I guess being a jerk allows for a lot of time to read other people's blogs and make jerky comments.
wow, looks fun. I bet that ass from the metro times sat on the corner of his bed watching cinemax and crying into is pillow.
You go, two snaps, girl.
Lou, go shove a bottle up your ass and have someone step on it.
Ann, that's great you were able to take a break from the art world for a night. Great photos!
popo, you crack me up!
You're such a starfucker Ann! You go girl!
I saw Dreamgirls the other night at the RenCen theater.
Awesome! Ann, you took a picture of Jennifer Hudson, a shoo-in for the Oscar!
[Can I go with you the next time? I will carry you cameras!]
i agree, this has nothing to do with what this blog is supposed to be about .
what's this blog "supposed to be about"?
it's ann's blog. it's about whatever ann wants it to be about. START YOUR OWN BLOG WITH CRAZY RULES.
Nick Cannon supporting two lipstick marks on both of his cheeks from Minka Kelly and another from unknown actress that he kept both lipstick prints on his cheeks for the rest of the show what a moron!
I still can't believe no one tried to wipe the lipstick stains off Nick Cannon's cheeks and he kept them on the entire event. Nick looks completely silly and dumb walking around with two big lipstick marks on both cheeks I would make fun of him or wipe them off if I was there.
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