Tuesday, October 03, 2006

myspace for the arts

I didn't know that artists used myspace to promote themselves....
hahahahaha, just kiddin!
Here are a few links in an artnet article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myspace has proven to be a useful tool to make contact with galleries and other artists.

I love Alison's web cam she keeps sending bulletins about.

just kidding.....

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used to use myspace as an artistic expression, then i deleted it

nobody really cares

in the land of internet connectivity, you are your default image, or what is written in your about me section


!green tea

people places and art
exorcist, sity of god, da vinci code, tarnation, and a million more
seinfeld, everybody loves ray
stacked john steinbeck

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to have a myspace for a few years but deleated it because of the slutty and unwholesome it became. and the fact that people nowadays have no concept of conversation in person. It's all through the internet. I personally wish for more direct personal contact with people rather than emailing back and forth and posting funny pictures.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel the same way, but am keeping my myspace page. Right now I communicate with my current and past students, personal friends, collegues of mine in the arts world,and members of my family.

my space is semi- private, and i want to keep it that way. i think it is a great way to communicate and stay in touch with people, as long as a certain decorum is followed.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The internet is our modern Tower of Babel in many ways. Obviously it is a breeding ground for distortion and manipulation as any other medium is. But even before the internet there seems to be problems with communication in genral throughout societies..
Does our art reflect or affect that?

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Does our art reflect or affect that?"
Those to are not mutually exclusive...sounds to me like a vacant attempt at profundity. I like Jack Handy better:If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was what Joe Wesner asked me.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find the best way to get a comment out is just to punch it into the latest thread rather than bury it down the list.
jon pylypchuck is in mocad's opener at the end of the month. he's also opened in saatchi's london show - usa today. and here's a preview of what to expect from a brit crit:

"After 9/11, after Hurricane Katrina, after Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantánamo, what should one expect from American culture, apart from rage and crawl-into- a-hole-in-the-ground-and-die abjection?

Perhaps that is what LA-based Jon Pylypchuk intends: his miserable little figures, touchingly dressed in remnants of fabric, stagger about on the floor, gather helplessly around the wounded, vomit in shock on the ground and upon each other. It is a horrible roundelay. All this goes on at ankle height. "Hopefully, I will live through this with a little bit of dignity," the title reads. Dignity is in short supply here."

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fits well.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been my perception that despite 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, etc. very little of "America" has been affected. It seems as though only those who directly suffered through it: those who were at ground zero, those who have come back from Iraq, those who live in the Hurricane belt are affected. The rest of the population at large are affected in the same way they were affected by "Jurrassic Park" or "Star Wars" or anything else that they saw on television. A little awed/disgusted "wow" and back onto business as usual. It does not impact or affect their perception of the world, reality, or themselves.

I guess it goes back to an earlier thread from a few months ago (July? "Josh Smith @ HIllberry") re: whether it is a fact that we are becoming increasingly detatched (from eachother, from geography, from reality).

So, per the quote from the Brit. Critic I would say that what one can expect from American culture is not affected whatsoever by current events because the large majority of American culture is left unnaffected by current events. I think that that un-reality is what will define us (our art) in the future. Think of all the popular television shows that took place in NYC that never mentioned 9/11 in their plot lines : to this day. I always found that disturbing.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Short term, almost nothing affects nobody. Even mid-long term events don’t seem to matter much. But in the long run some things, even miniscule items can become gargantuan.
For example, few people gave a rat's ass 5 days after a certain 30 something male was nailed to a chunk of wood. But wait a few hundred years and people are willing to kill over some zombie who rose from the dead.
What about the day after Philo Farnsworth soldered together some tubes and wires and saw a vision? No one though that years after, from that contraption, they would be able to watch Larry King fart live on television.

Even 9/11. short term, not much. But 5 years later you can't even bring chapstik on an airplane without being clubbed to death. 10 years from now I bet you wont be able to fly without a full cavity search and a sperm sample.

Myspace is new. Already we have yourtube. Both of these things are cool when you place into perspective that the internet used to be fast at 9600 baud and mostly text.
Time will always be the variable.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all so terribly 'objective' to view Americans as an unaffected lot.

I certainly don't mean to minimize anything, but I think I am about to, so here goes:
Compared to the decay of American manufacturing and the quick and silent death of rural farming at the hands of pharmaceutical companies 9/11 is highly forgettable.

When the highest suicide rate in America is among the male heads of farming families (farmaid), and entire cities struggle to redefine the lives of millions of inhabitants after the loss of entire economies, Katrina IS Star Wars.

When I was 12 watching the Discovery Channel it was very, very clear that New Orleans was doomed. That was 13 years ago. When Miami gets hit with another hurricane, I am going to laugh openly at the first person to call it a tragedy.

I agree that we ARE anesthetized because of television, grotesque amounts of convenience, and the general systemic-suppression that comes from working way too hard for a Barbie house in a cultureless suburb, and also that we are all mind-numb from paying taxes toward an illegitimate and ridiculous war-type-thing, but let’s be fair- Just because two or three events constitute the money-shots of American media doesn’t actually mean that they are the most pervasive or important or contextually relevant events of our lifetime.

The collapse and potential rehabilitation of the North Atlantic fishery, for example, is more important to many Long Islanders I know than was 9/11.

So the point is that the current events as sir brit. Crit. et al view them are merely the most glittery parts of the fear-segment of your national news. So when we go back to business as usual, that business may very well be curing adult illiteracy, stopping industrial pollution or helping to feed the unfed.

But we are a Cinderella nation where everyone wants that one show to make them famous, that one lottery ticket to make them rich or that one pill to make them whatever. The glass slipper works for tragedies too. In the past couple of years we’ve had a few things that rocketed us to the forefront of world pity. And what does a fairly aggressive if also generally well-intentioned rich and gluttonous nation like ours need more than pity during a sweeping low point in our global image?

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

American culture??? we have no culture in America.…we have contrived and created imagery we try to live up to. The only thing we have is the crap that keeps us from bitching about the real problems in the country and world.. and of course the mindless dribble that keeps the cubical conversations alive. “did you catch American idol last night?”
Even our art has the same problems…superstars…lol…. … I cant believe that worhal will be the high point in American artistic culture and god help us if he is…..” how many minutes of my fame is this taking? lol” I hope there is a few people out there like me who hope art can offer something other than a mirror to the horrors we bring to the world.
No one reads no one cares about the arts, humanity, nature….they only care about things and status…We come to our blogs to try and connect because our very culture and society has been so disrupted and muted that we don’t have time to talk, or get to know each other in person. Our art reflects the same detachment and flat out confusion of a world were we have nothing but a bombardment of imagery, and the psychological commercial warfare we endure….”hold on I need to go buy some thing…



5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had a point, but there were too many 'laugh out louds' and too many superlative statements about how we all do this and all do that to make any sense of it.

try rephrasing and get back to us. I think you had something to say.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kitten; I completely agree w/ your points (I just listed the "catastrophies" since that was the jumping off point). I was recently in a discussion w/ a sociologist asking "Is mental illness on a rise, or are we just hearing about it more b/c of the media?" (I.E. all these sicko school shootings this week). He said that mental illness is certainly on a rise due possibly to diet, media frenzy, and overall culture lag ("culture" is hardly ever appearant to the members of the culture, but it exists nonetheless, Andrew). Also, that due to many human rights campaigns, more dangerously mental ill people are on the streets whereas several years ago they would have been removed from the population one way or another. My mother is a Psychologist in NY and she constantly says that many of the people she works with are a serious danger to the community at large but there's no way to legally remove them.

My point being that the realities of our society are rarely reflected in the art / literature that is consumed by said society. Like how we raise our children on literature from the 19th century that in no way reflects or prepares them for the realities of 21st century life. Whereas in the past literature was a form of both reflection and anecdote, an outlet/inlet that helped people cope with the world they lived in. Now it seems that (through art) we are struggling to cope with the world as it was, and the world as it is runs amock. Thus art as a social medium becomes superfluous.

LoveisWonderful; I remember "chat rooms" in 1997. The advent of the 56k modem! lol. Telling a story to my nephew about the time I got stranded in Liverpool and had to walk 15 miles w/ my cat to find a payphone I was interruped with "that's stupid, why didn't you just use your cellphone?" and I realized that this... must be how my grandparents felt the moment they saw their future obsolescence for the first time.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think myspace is a good mirror of our culture here in America.

I remember as a child lamenting that people did not really write letters. We were lucky because every now and then we would get a beautifully handwritten letter from our great grandmother whom had a poetic flare. Or we would get an occasional letter from her daughter our grandmother. A particular type of communication that felt laid back, very personal and was an exciting treat.

I had embraced this notion and applied it to the internet when logging on 6 years ago.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I’m back and happy after filling my consumerist needs…yeah sorry about those “lol”s I lost track. …
Hey “ M.” I agree that it’s hard to see the trees among the forest…but when I look around the only thing I see is small groups of “thinking” people amongst a sea of mindless and yet strangely entertained masses, who are all too willing to discourage and even destroy anything that is out side their boundaries of understanding. ..So what then is your “perception” of the culture that we exist in??? are we in a world of technology renaissance that spurs the dialogue among the classes? …if that’s what you see I wish I could be as optimistic…for example the way I see the internet… Yeah it’s the unbelievable advancement in availability for connecting to the greatest ideas, mathematics, arts and philosophies of the ages and yet something like 97% of the entire internet is porn sites…so.. Maybe our culture is one of enlightenment at our finger tips but too distracted by closing out those “enlarge your penis” windows to find the truth. “or maybe too distracted by opening them up” “lol”….<--- last one I promise!
Anyway so where does this leave us in art? Maybe our art has the same dilemma in that animalistic desires and financial realities hinder the growth of meaningful art in culture. Do you believe that art has any social relationship in our society out side of selling shoes or the occasional true art collector?

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just spent half the night having this discusion w/ a warm body here in Seattle. :-) (smiley faces in leiu of LOLs).

It's just an anthropological fact that you don't see your own culture as such: we equate 'culture' with 'foreign' when really the fact that you and I are communicating at all indicates culture ("all learned behavior"). So, that comment of mine earlier was just me being semantic. (Don't get me started on "Race").

As to your other very good points: the state of our culture, that's a different animal entirely (and scary). Last night my friend brought up the whole "be the change you want to see in the world" mentality, while another dinner companion wondered if we had a responsibility to do that at all. Again, to reference an earlier thread: is it the artist's responsibility to feed the soul of the masses, or their responsibility to feed themselves?

As for the internet: I remember in the mid-90's the Internet was going to be the information advancement, etc, etc. While I was in school our research papers went from microfiche to card catalogue to online searches. I became dependant on the net as a source of critical info: but as a Sr. in college I came full circle. It's almost impossible to find "real" data on the internet! Do a search on any topic and you find 99% opinion and tribute, 1% data!! So frustrating.

I definitly think that art has a meaningful place in our society (or could). But is that just because I am part of this "art" subculture, so of course I would think that? Perhaps by being an artist it is impossible to guage arts' true place in modern society. Much as being a MAC user gives me a microcosm slant: I felt like a good majority of people in the world were MAC users as well, because everyone I know professionally and personally are MAC users, too. But a pie chart that one of my co-workes left on my desk this morning says that MAC OS X actually only accounts for 4.35% of the PC market! How could my view be so slanted? Because I am immersed in Mac culture. So too is it possible that I beleive everyone needs art because I am immersed in the art culture? Hmmmm. ;-)

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the internet is a great hammer.
Various peoples around the world in need of help of some kind can connect. We seem to be taking the opportunity for granted
of course.

Myspace is commercialized but still has integrity. The soup of life has all kinds of ingredients.

3:53 PM  

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