Sunday, August 28, 2005

another magazine's art coverage

Radar, another magazine maybe you wouldn't normally pick up ( my source seems to get a lot of free magazines that I flip through) has a big feature article on art collecting and the current art market.  The headline reads: Scenes from a Mall - At overheated art fairs in Basel, NY, and Miami, collectors are shelling out millions for works that range from odd to obscene. But how long can the party go on?  by: anthony haden-guest.

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It is funny because this article seems to contradict everything that is going on in Detroit.  I sums up to say  that art in NY is selling like hot cakes and art fairs are basically selling out of art. Contemporary galleries in SoHo alone have increase from 80 to now almost 300 in the last twenty-five years!  And if you think it is all old master's work like Picasso or Pollock you are wrong.  That art is already almost non-existent to get a hold of and it is new emerging artists that are being snatched up.  Why aren't we all in NY then?? Let me quote this line:

"A global boom in museum building has meant that the world's supply of available masterpieces is dwindling....So most speculative energies are focused on younger artists, and sizable sums are bing put up....These days the targeted artists are getting younger and younger.  This increasingly means that the work of budding artists is up at auction just a few years after it has left the studios."

So in conclusion...umm....any ideas for Detroit? Anybody?  How can we get art to sell of the walls here?  How about this advertising:




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, in Detroit...crickets.

9:04 PM  

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