art blogs feature in artkrush

"As the art blogosphere continues its rapid expansion, a heterogeneous array of creative and critical perspectives is reaching audiences worldwide. Whether locally or globally focused, individually or collaboratively authored, mono or multilingual, the art blogs of the moment are eclipsing traditional forms of commentary, exploiting the boundlessness of cyberspace to diversify our notions of art and the art world.
Providing the lowdown on local happenings, city- and country-specific art blogs serve as insider guides. The Puerto Rico-based Rotund World combines scene-setting imagery with humorously detailed reports of goings-on within the country, while Detroitarts surveys the Midwestern metropolis, covering gallery shows, student exhibitions, and everything in-between. London is well-represented by the Guardian's art and architecture blog, while covers the European scene by translating cultural highlights from foreign newspapers into English. Paddy Johnson holds down the New York fort with Art Fag City, posting 'art news, reviews, and gossip' by the hour..." Artkrush
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