Monday, January 29, 2007

hilberry group show

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I had seen McLaughlin's paintings before at Hilberry and this time I enjoyed them much more in context with the rest of the artists. I liked how the smaller paintings had a luscious, traditional painterly surface yet the imagery wasn't uptight. I love a painting that can laugh at itself...or art that isn't too serious, yet is well executed. The puff clouds weightlessly danced with sweeping brooms and hovering jerseys. McLaughlin's worlds are strange but very alluring. I would love to take home the ice arena painting called "Gym Class"!
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Gym Class
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For Eddie
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Mustipher's series of bernhardt-katz-like gouache and watercolor paintings on paper are the prize of the show! The large (50x38") portraits have an unpretentious, fresh quality about them and I am happily satisfied after seeing the works in person. This is something that I would want to own, also!
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I read this about Whitney's works:
It didn't make me like or understand them any more. That said the paintings were nice, yes, even colorful, but if this show was a contest, then Whitney finished last for me. (Come on, we all rank artists when we go to see a group show, so why not say it?)
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MATT CONNORS - New Pink Triangle
I felt that Connors started where Whitney left off. He took the solid planes and stretched the angles so that the colorful lines were sections or cut-aways from a diagram.
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Cult Test Final
I like this piece, it reminds me of geometry class...if only you could have been graded on how well you painted the sections of the parallelogram!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

McLaughlin's paintings i believe were the "prize of the show". I particularly loved "gym class" as well. I also was impressed by Whitney's ability to paint losely the same composition over and over and over again just with differant palletes. you can take that any way you would like, i still haven t decided if i liked it or hated it, honestly i feel like I may never decide on that debate. As for Mustipher's work i wasnt really moved by it but was intresting to see it at that scale. Conners "New Pink Triangle" was the highlight of his work for me.

2:14 PM  

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