Tuesday, December 19, 2006

kim dorland

I thought that I might see a lot of dana schutz in miami but can't recall seeing one piece by her, but I did see an artist very similar. Kim Dorland, a working artist in Toronto, makes large intensely and sometimes fluorescent paintings of people mostly in the woods. The surface has the same quality of bright underpainting popping through and sparingly chunky texture and paint glops of dana's paintings. These two ladies are also similar ages and both attended grad school - dorland at York University, Toronto and schutz at Columbia, ny.
dana schutz - 50 Foot Queenie (pj harvey)
kim dorland - acdc (it's not Brian Johnson of acdc but very similar feel to pj harvey) This one of dorland reminds me of dana's Frank.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks like illustration.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU look like illustration...

2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kim dorland is a guy, he teaches at ocad. get it straight ppl

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Debra Olsen said...

I love the vibrant colors and textures in Kim Dorland’s paintings.

10:48 AM  

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