Monday, June 27, 2005

gorky and de kooning

I have never paid much attention to the direct relationship of de kooning's and Gorky's painting but I have been reading the de kooning biography and now can see how much the two artists' painting styles have in common.  I guess it is true that no matter how much of an individual you are as an artist you still can be influenced by your peers.  Gorky served as de kooning's mentor and big brother.  You can see how much the artists influenced each other but where Gorky leaves off  de Kooning is just beginning!
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de kooning
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de kooning


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see Gorky and de Kooning side by side. At least in the examples provided, Gorky wins. His arrangements are more free and pleasurable to look at. Ultimately however, the sensation I have is one of sadness when I view even the best of high modernism. No amount of decorative pleasure will replace the obvious absence of content. W. H. Auden said that "Pleasure is not an infallible critic, but it's the least fallible." Clever line, but it doesn't satisfy my thirst for an art that goes beyond, or even sets aside, good design in favor of the expression of common cultural values. Such values once existed. De Kooning and others helped make us aware that they no longer do. I acknowledge their brilliance, but in the end they just found new ways to say nothing.

12:01 PM  

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