turning points @ gallery project
It's been some time since I've been out to an opening; I mean I didn't know what to do with all that extra time on my hands! I'm glad I decided to make the trip out the ann arbor to Gallery Project (ann arbor is wonderful in the summer. if you live in the detroit area it is a nice little runaway for the evening...and they have some great food there but that's another story!)
Summer shows are really a gamble. Some shows are weak, overcrowded group shows where it is an artist free-for-all without any consideration or maybe a gamble on some lesser known talent that doesn't pay off but then there are the wonderful standout summer surprise shows. I always think back to SummerPack at Hilberry or RRR and I hope the Yacht Club will be grouped into the summer gallery surprises.
Sometimes a nice summer night can be a curse but for Gallery Project it only seemed to draw in more people from the streets. It was well attended, and, in GP's normal curation style, a focused large group show. If you have been to GP then this show was what can be expected: many artists centered around one theme. Sometimes the big group shows pay off while others fall a little short (the only conflict becomes when you love a few works but dislike or feel indifferent to a majority so the bad and the good cancel themselves out in your memory). This big show didn't bother me - instead I found it more relaxed to stroll through and let the art draw me in. It also made me see how important a little art viewing rest can be because I think I spent more time looking instead of analyzing. Gallery openings can be like meeting people in that you size up the work too quickly and already naming your likes and dislikes before you've had a chance to look blindly without attachment. There are a few artists that I have seen in the last year coming out the cracks and enjoy like Chris Erchick, MB, Amanda Thatch, and Ed Brown.

sarah buckius, Fitting In: Attempt #2

jada schumacher, lipstick haiku

sarah buckius, Fitting In: Attempt #1

julie prokop, Chapter 10: Understanding Theodore, Jeffrey and Another One

chris erchick, The Windswept Plains of Andromeda

beili liu, untitled, incense burnt rice paper on wood

jada schumacher, body shop haiku

leslie atzmon, The Menopause Book

amanda thatch, Read to Me

amanda lechner, Cofferdam

ed brown, Giant. SIG

ed brown

amanda thatch and andrew thompson, Cohabitation

dustin dennis, The Wolf Man Runs, video

andy malone, Excerpt 3: Da What ?!?

MB, Burning Bush (above, below/recycled medicine cabinet, styrofoam, digital twigs)

B.J. Vogt, Passage: (Purpose)

andrew thompson, Preparing for Preparedness

jada schumacher

Dr. Riordan with Wife's Purse, ink on polyester

erik peterson, Stroller Vision

ambarish manepalli, Ismael, DVD

Summer shows are really a gamble. Some shows are weak, overcrowded group shows where it is an artist free-for-all without any consideration or maybe a gamble on some lesser known talent that doesn't pay off but then there are the wonderful standout summer surprise shows. I always think back to SummerPack at Hilberry or RRR and I hope the Yacht Club will be grouped into the summer gallery surprises.
Sometimes a nice summer night can be a curse but for Gallery Project it only seemed to draw in more people from the streets. It was well attended, and, in GP's normal curation style, a focused large group show. If you have been to GP then this show was what can be expected: many artists centered around one theme. Sometimes the big group shows pay off while others fall a little short (the only conflict becomes when you love a few works but dislike or feel indifferent to a majority so the bad and the good cancel themselves out in your memory). This big show didn't bother me - instead I found it more relaxed to stroll through and let the art draw me in. It also made me see how important a little art viewing rest can be because I think I spent more time looking instead of analyzing. Gallery openings can be like meeting people in that you size up the work too quickly and already naming your likes and dislikes before you've had a chance to look blindly without attachment. There are a few artists that I have seen in the last year coming out the cracks and enjoy like Chris Erchick, MB, Amanda Thatch, and Ed Brown.
sarah buckius, Fitting In: Attempt #2
jada schumacher, lipstick haiku
sarah buckius, Fitting In: Attempt #1
julie prokop, Chapter 10: Understanding Theodore, Jeffrey and Another One
chris erchick, The Windswept Plains of Andromeda
beili liu, untitled, incense burnt rice paper on wood
jada schumacher, body shop haiku
leslie atzmon, The Menopause Book
amanda thatch, Read to Me
amanda lechner, Cofferdam
ed brown, Giant. SIG
ed brown
amanda thatch and andrew thompson, Cohabitation
dustin dennis, The Wolf Man Runs, video
andy malone, Excerpt 3: Da What ?!?
MB, Burning Bush (above, below/recycled medicine cabinet, styrofoam, digital twigs)
B.J. Vogt, Passage: (Purpose)
andrew thompson, Preparing for Preparedness
jada schumacher
Dr. Riordan with Wife's Purse, ink on polyester
erik peterson, Stroller Vision
ambarish manepalli, Ismael, DVD
I love this gallery. They do so much good, and they're consistent in doing it.
who curates the shows?
it looks good to me in pics, but heard from a friend who went that it wasn't. quandry.
Andrew Thompson curated this show.
seems that most shows look better in pics. why is that?
i think andrew thompson did a fantastic job with the curation. the theme thing is usually hokey (especially at gallery project). he managed to pull it together. kudos!
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