Friday, June 01, 2007

good galleries in small spaces?

I always forget that once summer sets in that art coverage slips into a quiet lull. Not that there isn't stuff going on but that my work to find that interesting stuff always becomes more challenging, seeing that it takes a lot to capture my attention. I also have been busy getting the final odds and ends taken care of at the gallery for the june 16th opening.However, I did see this in an art/culture mag, Beautiful Decay, that sparked my interest. This gallery (pictured above/below) Trudi, is what you see....a sliding door and a tiny, tiny room yet it competes with the best neighboring galleries in chinatown (one on each side). Looks like I will have to find a coat closet too if I plan on continuing the YCG in LA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a similar tiny gallery in Pontiac about ten years ago. David Popa ran it when Pontiac had galleries. It showed some big stuff in his little space.

I remember seeing a lot of British artists before they'd even hit NYC.

10:31 AM  

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