Friday, July 21, 2006

bill hafer at motor city

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Hafer, a native detroiter, recently moved to los alamos, new mexico but came back to detroit to show his new works at motor city art night. I am liking the direction of his newer works. One might say that what can he really do to change up linear color field paintings but once you study hafer's works you notice the subtle details of his diagramed patterns. As much as the colors stand out and react to one another, it is just as much about the white boundary spaces between the strips of color that catch the viewer's eye.
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I spoke to bill about his process for coming up with his color palette and compositions. He plans each painting in his sketchbook first using colored markers. If a certain drawing isn't working he will put it aside and start another. His linear patterns are somewhat mathematical and play with symmetry and color. I found it interesting to learn about all the work and thought behind these brightly colored works. Thoughtful calculations stand behind these seemingly simple color studies.
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Be sure to check out hafer's art/music blog too...the pics of new mexico and the art scene are really great!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck bill!

11:38 AM  

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